Pink Martini Clementine


ClementinePink Martini


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时间: 03:52 尺寸: 3.56 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 8



Pink Martini Clementine 歌词

If tomorrow's sun doesn't shine
If no creatures stir in the morning time
If the clouds go still in the sky
And the days roll in and pass us by
I will ride your elevator
We'll stay out 'til it is later
If tomorrow's sun doesn't shine
At least I'll have my Clementine
If tomorrow's moon doesn't show
If our dreams go lost in the winter snow
And the flowers wither and die
And the waterfalls go low and dry
Will you meet me in the garden
We'll say 'please' and 'beg your pardon'
If tomorrow's sun doesn' shine
At least I'll have my Clementine
There's a place that nobody knows
There's a packing up of a summer clothes
In the lazy days of my mind
You've always been my Clementine

Pink Martini- Clementine 下载mp3

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