One Direction Long Way Down


Long Way DownOne Direction


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时间: 02:51 尺寸: 2.63 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 14



One Direction Long Way Down 歌词

One Direction long way down Şarkı Sözleri
We made a fire
Went down in the flames
We sailed the ocean
And drowned in the waves
Built a cathedral
But we never prayed
We had it all, yeah
And we walked awayPoint of no return and now
It's just too late to turn around
I try to forgive you
But I struggle cause I don't know how
We built it up so high and now I'm fallin'
It's a long way down
It's a long way down, from here 
We had a mountain
But took it for granted
We had a spaceship
But we couldn't land it
We found an island
But we got stranded
We had it all
Who could've planned it?Point of no return and now
It's just too late to turn around
I try to forgive you
But I'm struggling cause I don't know how
We built it up so high and now I'm fallin'
It's a long way down, from here
Such a long way down
It's a long way down
It's a long way down
Such a long way down
It's a long way down
It's a long way down

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