Olivia Rodrigo Brutal


BrutalOlivia Rodrigo


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Olivia Rodrigo Brutal 歌词


I want it to be, like, messy

[Verse 1]

I'm so insecure I think

That I'll die before I drink

And I'm so caught up in the news

Of who likes me and who hates you

And I'm so tired that I might

Quit my job, start a new life

And they'd all be so disappointed

'Cause who am I, if not exploited?

And I'm so sick of seventeen

Where's my fucking teenage dream?

If someone tells me one more time

"Enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry

And I don't stick up for myself

I'm anxious and nothing can help

And I wish I'd done this before

And I wish people liked me more


All I did was try my best

This the kinda thanks I get?

Unrelentlessly upset (Ah-ah-ah)

They say these are the golden years

But I wish I could disappear

Ego crush is so severe

God, it's brutal out here



[Verse 2]

I feel like no one wants me

And I hate the way I'm perceived

I only have two real friends

And lately, I'm a nervous wreck

'Cause I love people I don't like

And I hate every song I write

And I'm not cool, and I'm not smart

And I can't even parallel park


All I did was try my best

This the kinda thanks I get?

Unrelentlessly upset (Ah-ah-ah)

They say these are the golden years

But I wish I could disappear

Ego crush is so severe

God, it's brutal out here



(Just havin' a really good time)


Got a broken ego, broken heart

(Yeah, it's brutal out here, yeah, it's brutal out here)

And God, I don't even know where to start

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