Nena Melii




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时间: 02:23 尺寸: 2.21 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 7



Nena Melii 歌词

You see why I don't give niggas my attention
Why am I even calling this
Now he gon' think that he got it
'Cause I'm over here ringing his line
What time is it? Oh shit, it's like 5 in the morning
I'm tryna hold on, but I can't get a hold of you
What is it you're waiting for?
For me to say that we are through?
So are you with me or is nothing feeling me or fronting, yeah
When I waited on the text (It never comes)
And when I waited on your ring (It never rung)
I hope that you don't think you'll play me like I'm dumb
'Cause I just bossed up, nigga, bossed up
Esa niña e' talentosa, get your coins up
Esa niña e' intelligente, tan hermosa
Ain't no nigga can approach ya
Come here closer, let me hold ya
Let me tell you 'bout the baddest bitches that I know
Never do no crying over hoes, we get the dough
Counting paper, counting paper, watch it overflow
Throw it like a stripper
Let it flow on through the floor, then pick it up
It's a stick up, stick up
Look at that fatty, getting thicker, bigger
Baby girl can't get like me
Put the pussy in his face, dripping on the white tee
See, I see past IG and them posts on my feed
And you know I can read between the lines
And know that you'll be back with time, yeah
Let me tell you 'bout the baddest bitches that I know
Never do no crying over hoes, we get the dough
Counting paper, counting paper, watch it overflow
Throw it like a stripper
Let it flow on through the floor, then pick it up
It's a stick up, stick up
Look at that fatty, getting thicker, bigger
I hope that you don't think you'll play me like I'm dumb
'Cause I just bossed up, nigga, bossed up


nena melii

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