Marshmello feat Wrabel-Ritual


feat Wrabel-RitualMarshmello


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Marshmello feat Wrabel-Ritual 歌词

You, you're givin' me life

Givin' me all of you, mmm

Oh, it's trueLosin' myself

I found me right next you, oh yeah

You're something different

Instead of breaking my heart, you're picking up all the pieces

The way you're taking my heart

You're making it still look easy

But when I'm stuck in my head

We stay in bed through the weekend, oh yeah

Whoa, oh I, I never knew love, never knew love, never knew love

Living without you, living without you

Whoa, oh I, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost

Now that I found you, now that I found you

So hold me down

Don't know what I'd do if I was without you

Now, hold me down

Babe, it's all true

Now that I found you

It's my ritual

So hold me down

Don't know what I'd do, if I was without you

Now, help me now

Babe, it's all true

Now that I found you

My ritual


First thing on my mind when I'm waking up is you, oh yeah

When I'm blue

You spin me around like color wheel, yes you do

Oh yeah

You're something different

Instead of breaking my heart, you're picking up all the pieces

The way you're taking my heart

You're making it still look easy

But when I'm stuck in my head

We stay in bed through the weekend, oh yeah

Whoa, oh I, never knew love, never knew love, never knew love

Living without you, living without you

Whoa, oh I, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost

Now that I found you, now that I found you

So hold me down

Don't know what I'd do, if I was without you

Now, hold me down

Babe, it's all true

Now that I found you

It's my ritual

Never knew love, never knew love, never knew love

Living without you, living without you

Whoa, oh, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost

Now that I found you, now that I found you

Say you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm lost without my ritual

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