Mark Ronson feat Milley Cyrus-Nothing Breaks Like A Heart


feat Milley Cyrus-Nothing Breaks Like A HeartMark Ronson


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Mark Ronson feat Milley Cyrus-Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 歌词

This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
And nothing breaks like a heart
I heard you on the phone last night
We live and die by pretty lies
You know it, oh, we both know it
These silver bullet cigarettes
This burning house, there's nothing left
It's smoking, we both know it
We got all night to fall in love
But just like that we fall apart
We're broken, we're broken
Mmm, well nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
Well, there's broken silence
By thunder crashing in the dark (crash in the dark)
And this broken record
Spin endless circles in the bar (spin 'round in the bar)
This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, and nothing breaks like a heart
We'll leave each other cold as ice
And high and dry, the desert wind
Is blowin', is blowin'
Remember what you said to me?
We were drunk in love in Tennessee
And I hold it, we both know it
Mmm, nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
Nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
Well, there's broken silence
By thunder crashing in the dark (crash in the dark)
And this broken record
Spin endless circles in the bar (spin 'round in the bar)
This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, and nothing breaks like a heart
Nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, and nothing breaks like a heart
Nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
(My heart, my heart)
Nothing, nothing, nothing gon' save us now
Well, there's broken silence
By thunder crashing in the dark (crash in the dark)
And this broken record
Spin endless circles in the bar (spin 'round in the bar)
This world can hurt you
It cuts you deep and leaves a scar
Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, but nothing breaks like a heart
But nothing breaks like a heart
Mhmm, but nothing breaks like a heart

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