Maher Zain One Day


One DayMaher Zain


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时间: 26:10 尺寸: 6.00 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 5



Maher Zain One Day 歌词

Maher Zain - One Day Sözleri

Lying here wide awake on my own now

Silence is the loudest cry

I'm safe but I've lost everything I've known

I can smile because the pain has gone

But cry because it's where I'm from

God I turn to You to make me strong again

One day I can reach that rainbow

Watch the sweet reflection

Shining off my first home

I'd give anything to see my family again

And say how much I love them

That's all I imagine

One day

I wish I could go back tomorrow

If it's only for just one second

Put warmth back into a town that's frozen

I can smile because the pain has gone

But cry because it's where I'm from

God I turn to You to make me strong again

One day I can reach that rainbow

Watch the sweet reflection

Shining off my first home

I'd give anything to see my family again

And say how much I love them

That's all I imagine

One day

I have cried so many times

And all those tears have washed my eyes

I see clearly into the light

'Cause I believe

I know one day I'll be home again

To start a new life, with peace everywhere

Right from the start until the end

I believe

That one day

I can reach that rainbow

Watch the sweet reflection

Shining off my first home

I'd give anything to see my family again

And say how much I love them

That's all I imagine

One day, one day

I believe that one day

One day


maher zain one day

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