Mabel One Shot


One ShotMabel


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Mabel One Shot 歌词

So I'ma make one stop for you, for you
And you only got one shot, don't ignore, yeah
'Cause I'm so choosy, choosy, yeah, yeah
Mans say I'm too bougie, bougie, yeah, yeah
So I'ma give you one shot, go ahead, pour it

You know that I feel you
Say you wanna get familiar
But I got tunnel vision, tunnel vision
I like what I see but that don't mean I'm with
Oh Lord, no, no
I need something, real, yeah

Flashing your wrist on your rollie, rollie
Like your time is precious
Talking to me, say you show me, show me
Boy, you better

So I'ma make one stop for you, for you
And you only got one shot, don't ignore, yeah
'Cause I'm so choosy, choosy, yeah, yeah
Mans say I'm too bougie, bougie, yeah, yeah
So I'ma give you one shot, go ahead, pour it

And you only got one shot
Gotta give me all you got
So I'ma make a little time for you
But babe you only got one shot, one shot

I wanna get to know you
It's so hard to ignore you
But no, I never make bad decisions, bad decisions
I don't need your hands to catch the rhythm
Oh Lord, no, no
We got something for sure, yeah

Holding your chain like it's holy, holy
I'm a blessing, blessing
Still talking to me, say you show me, show me
Boy, you better

So I'ma make one stop for you, for you
And you only got one shot, don't ignore, yeah
'Cause I'm so choosy, choosy, yeah, yeah
Mans say I'm too bougie, bougie, yeah, yeah
So I'ma give you one shot, go ahead, pour it

And you only got one shot
Gotta give me all you got
So I'ma make a little time for you
But babe you only got one shot, one shot

You stay right there
I'll be right back
Turn this one shot into a night cap
Too much talking
Why you like that?
You only get one shot so baby, where you at?
You stay with me, gotta pay attention
'Cause we have a good thing if you learn your lesson
I'ma make sure that you don't forget it
I'ma make sure that you don't regret it

So Imma make one stop for you, for you
Boy you only got one shot, don't ignore, yeah
'Cause I'm so choosy, choosy, yeah, yeah
Mans say I'm too bougie, bougie, yeah, yeah
So I'ma give you one shot, go ahead, pour it

And you only got one shot
Gotta give me all you got
So I'ma make a little time for you
But babe you only got one shot, one shot


mabel one shot

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