Luke Bryan Move Luke


Move LukeLuke Bryan


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Luke Bryan Move Luke 歌词

Your mama packed y'all up and moved you to the south
Packed a U-Haul cross a one-tree yard to a tin roof shotgun house
You didn't know nobody, didn't talk too much
Had a rocking little body with a yankee strut
A little shy side, a little wild side
With your long blonde hair all pulled up
Then you got in with some southern belles
Cut your jeans off with a rebel yell
Learned the talk of the Bible belt
Now, girl, I melt when you
M-O-V-E, I love it yeah, I love it when you get that deed
Boots on, stomp your feet
It's like you've been waiting on me to
Move like you do
All sexy and smooth
Like you love to
Oh, girl, look at you
Legs and your hips
Live old Moonlyn
When that song hits
Damn, you turnin' loose
Stars of the southern sky
Buzz of the fire and ice
DJ plays that throwback tune
But I can't move when you move
It's like there's something in the air
That turns you wild when a country song
Is way up loud and the sun goes down
Right about then, you lock eyes on me
You got me where you want me, where I wanna be
All up in the middle of your left and right
Just side to side, yeah, you're right on time when you
M-O-V-E, I love it yeah, I love it when you get that deed
Boots on, stomp your feet
It's like you've been waiting on me to
Move like you do
All sexy and smooth
Like you love to
Oh, girl, look at you
Legs and your hips
Live old Moonlyn
When that song hits
Damn, you turnin' loose
Stars of the southern sky
Buzz of the fire and ice
DJ plays that throwback tune
But I can't move when you move
Let me talk to you
I love it when you, love it when you feel the beat
Come on, I wanna see you
Move like you do
sexy and smooth
Like you love to
girl, look at you
Legs and your hips
Live old Moonlyn
When that song hits
Damn, you turnin' loose
Stars of the southern sky
Buzz of the fire and ice
DJ playin' throwback tune
I wanna move when you
But I can't move when you
No I can't move when you move
No I can't move when you move


luke bryan move luke

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