Lil Nas X Rookie


RookieLil Nas X


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Lil Nas X Rookie 歌词


Get it, get it, I went and did it again

Rip it, flip it, they say I'm switchin' on friendsThey say I'm trippin', forestallin' myself within

I only trip when I trip and fall in that Benz

I'ma bake the feature for the right pricing

Cake the beat, I'm just the right icing

See, I'm inspired by Neil deGrasse Tysons

They inspired by squealers that's doing lifings

I get three hours of sleep, just to get better

These cowards, they out here sour at me, petty vendettas

I ain't ate right or took a pee, waitin' for cheddar

Workin' late night, oh, it's just me, David the letter-man

C'mon girl, get up

Come a little bit

C'mon girl, get up

Come a little bit (Bit, bit)

My whole life I was under it!



Uh, so I'll be damned if I let a pussy take it from me

I'm the man, I'm the rookie, finna make the money

I make 'em dance, throw ya hands up and shake it for me

I'm advanced, man, my fans out here waitin' for me

So I'll be damned if I let a pussy take it from me

I'm the man, I'm the rookie, finna make the money

I make 'em dance, throw ya hands up and shake it for me

I'm advanced, man, my fans out here waitin' for me

Uh, I'm doing better so petty shit I just let it go

I'm more focused on leaving sofas to Mexico

Touring Europe and Africa, buzz around the globe

"Nas, can I get back to ya?" bitch, the sound of dough

Is all that I hear

Bitch, I'm really spittin' now, this is my career

Shoutout to the labels flaking on me, fuck they ears

You just lost your best player, 'Bron and Cavaliers, disappear! Uh!

I came to do it

I came to fucking pursue it

They showin' love in this bitch

'Cause I'm blowin' up and they knew it would happen

In this rappin', I'm the new captain

I sat back, perfected my craft while niggas was laughing



lil nas rookie

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