Lil Nas X In They Feelings


In They FeelingsLil Nas X


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Lil Nas X In They Feelings 歌词

They in they feelings

They don't want they spot

Nigga i fill in

I feel it coming

I'm running to get my thrill in

I'm sonning these pussy niggas

I'm coming to make a killing

I'm a problem, niggas know dat

Hop out grab the black mac no kodak

Rock star like jack black, i'm playing like mick jagg

No playing get rich fast then sit back

Huh soak it all in

I spoke it now it's happening

They hope it all end

Niggas rather hate than get in they own bag it's

Funny because i always put money over that mad

Shit tell me tell me What that fuck u gaining from it

Hating while i'm in the club and it's raining money

That shit is draining you paining your fucking brain

And you straining yourself out tryna get all that clout off my name

They in they feelings

They don't want they spot

Nigga i fill in

I feel it coming

I'm running to get my thrill in

I'm sonning these pussy niggas

I'm coming to make a killing

They in they feelings

They don't want they spot

Nigga i fill in

I feel it coming

I'm running to get my thrill in

I'm sonning these pussy niggas

I'm coming to make a killing


lil nas they feelings

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