Lee Brice I Dont Dance


I Dont DanceLee Brice


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Lee Brice I Dont Dance 歌词

I'll never settle down,
That's what I always thought
Yeah, I was that kind of man,
Just ask anyone
I don't dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain't my style, but I don't care
I'd do anything with you anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand
'Cause, I don't dance
Love's never come my way,
I've never been this far
'Cause you took these two left feet
And waltzed away with my heart
No, I don't dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain't my style, but I don't care
I'd do anything with you anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl
'Cause, I don't dance
No, I don't dance
I don't dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain't my style, but I don't care
Well I'd do anything with you anywhere
I don't dance, but here I am
Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain't my style, but I don't care
I'd do anything with you anywhere
Yeah, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl
'Cause, I don't dance


lee brice dont dance

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