Lee Brice Drinking Class


Drinking ClassLee Brice


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Lee Brice Drinking Class 歌词

We're up when the rooster crows
Clock in when the whistle blows
Eight hours ticking slow
And then tomorrow we'll do it all over again
I'm a member of a blue collar crowd
They can never, nah they can't keep us down
If you gotta, gotta label me, label me proud
I belong to the drinking class
Monday through Friday, man we bust our backs
If you're one of us, raise your glass
I belong to the drinking class
We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
I'm a member of a good timing crowd
We get rowdy, we get wild and loud
If you gotta, gotta label me, label me proud
I belong to the drinking class
Monday through Friday, man we bust our backs
If you're one of us, raise your glass
I belong to the drinking class
We all know why we're here
A little fun, a little music, a little whiskey, a little beer
We're gonna shake off those long week blues
Ladies, break out your dancing shoes
It don't matter what night it is, it's Friday
It's Saturday and Sunday
I just want to hear you say
I just want to hear you sing it
Y'all sing it with me
We belong to the drinking class
Monday through Friday, man we bust our backs
If you're one of us, raise your glass
We belong to the drinking class
Yeah, we belong to the drinking class
Monday through Friday, man we bust our backs
And if you're one of us, raise your glass
We belong to the drinking class

Lee Brice- Drinking Class 下载mp3

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