Lariss Lova Boay


Lova BoayLariss


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Lariss Lova Boay 歌词

Bring ma desiree.

Dime que anda tu mira.

Dame encanta you know that I'm.Fresh at the sundrop, dancing with fire. And moves like Casandra.

They call me chica.

Tu tienes la vida rica.(lova boay) That's the way I burn the fire.

Me only dance with ma desiree.

I'm waiting for you to be here.

On the dance floor, on the dance floor.

Bailando yo quiero vivir.

Hey mister lova boaaay, mister lova boay.

Turn up the light porque esto es caliente.

Hey mister lova boaaay, mister lova boay.

Turn up the baseline, musica se siente.

Hey mister lova boaaay, mister lova boay.

Hey mister lova, jo, jo, joo. You bring the sun and the fire.

Me wanna' burn my desiree.

Baila mi ritmo, ritmo caliente.

Yo te lo digo ese cabron:

Ya ponte listo, eres sabroso.

Yo te ay visto, ven aca chico.

Te siento, tu eres rico.

That's the way I burn the fire.

Me only dance with ma desiree.

I'm waiting for you to be here.

On the dance floor, on the dance floor.

Bailando yo quiero vivir.

Hey mister lovaaa boay, mister lovaaa boay.

Turn up the light porque esto es caliente.

Hey mister lovaaa boay, mister lovaaa boay.

Turn up the baseline, musica se siente.

Hey mister lovaaa boay, mister lovaaa boay.

Hey mister lova, jo, jo, joo.

You bring the sun and the fire.

Me wanna' burn my desiree.Lariss Video lova


lariss lova boay

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