Lana Del Rey Cola


ColaLana Del Rey


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时间: 04:20 尺寸: 3.99 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 9



Lana Del Rey Cola 歌词

My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola
My eyes are wide like cherry pies
I got sweet taste for men who're older
It's always been so it's no surprise
Harvey's in the sky with diamonds
And it's making me crazy
All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby
Come on baby, let's ride
We can escape to the great sunshine
I know your wife and she wouldn't mind
We made it out to the other side
We made it out to the other side
We made it out to the other side
Come on come on come on come on come on baby
Whoa ah yeah
I fall asleep with an American flag
I wear my diamonds on skid row
I pledge allegiance to my dad
For teaching me everything he knows
Harvey's in the sky with diamonds
And it's making me crazy
All he wants to do is party with his pretty baby, yeah
Come on baby, let's ride
We can escape to the great sunshine
I know your wife and she wouldn't mind
We made it out to the other side
We made it out to the other side
We made it out to the other side
Drug, suck it up, like Vanilla Ice is
Don't treat me rough, treat me really nice-is
Decorate my neck, me, I'm on decisis
Why, come on come on come on
Ooo ooo ooo ooh
Ooo ooo ooo ooh
Ooo ooo ooo ooh
Come on baby, let's ride
We can escape to the great sunshine
I know your wife and she wouldn't mind
We made it out to the other side
Come on baby, let's ride
We can escape to the great sunshine
We made it out to the other side
We made it out to the other side
Come on come on come on baby
Come on come on come on baby
Whoa ah
My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola
Ooh ah
My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola
Ooo ooo ooo ooh
Ooo ooo ooo ooh
My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola
Ooh whoa yeah


lana del rey cola

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