Lady Gaga You And I


You And ILady Gaga


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Lady Gaga You And I 歌词

It's been a long time since I came around

Been a long time, but I'm back in town

And this time I'm not leaving without you

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh

I'd give anything again to be your baby doll

This time I'm not leaving without you

He said, "Sit back down where you belong

In the corner of my bar, with your high heels on

Sit back down on the couch where we

Made love the first time and you said to me there's"

Something, something about this place

Something 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face

Something, something about my cool Nebraska guy

Yeah, something about, baby, you and I

It's been two years since I let you go

I couldn't listen to a joke or Rock and Roll

Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart

On my birthday, you sang me a Heart of Gold

With a guitar humming and no clothes

This time I'm not leaving without you, oh, oh

Sit back down where you belong

In the corner of my bar, with your high heels on

Sit back down on the couch where we

Made love the first time and you said to me there's

Something, something about this place

Something 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face

Something, something about my cool Nebraska guy

Yeah, something about, baby, you and I

You and I, you, you and I

You, you and I, you, you and I, I

You and I, you, you and I

Oh, yeah, we're gonna die

Without you and I

(Come on, put your drinks up)

We got a whole lot of money, but we still pay rent

'Cause you can't buy a house in Heaven

There's only three men that I'mma serve my whole life

It's my daddy, and Nebraska, and Jesus Christ, there's

Something, something about the chase

Six whole years

I'm a New York woman born to run you down

Still want my lipstick all over your face

There's something, something about

Just knowing when it's right

So put your drinks up for Nebraska

For Nebraska, Nebraska, I love ya

You and I, you, you and I

Baby, I'd rather die

Without you and I, I, I

You and I, you, you and I

Nebraska, I'd rather die

Without you and I, I

It's been a long time since I came around

Been a long time, but I'm back in town

And this time I'm not leaving without you


lady gaga you and

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