Lady Gaga 911


911Lady Gaga


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时间: 02:53 尺寸: 2.65 Mb 下载次数: 8 浏览次数: 24

Lady Gaga - 911 - 视频剪辑

时间: 02:53 尺寸: 66.33 Mb 格式: .mp4 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 24



Lady Gaga 911 歌词

Turning off emotional faders

Keep repeating self hating phrases

I have heard enough of these voicesAlmost like I have no choice

This is biological stasis

My mood's shifting too many places

Wish I laughed to kept the good friendships

Wish I feel like go again

Cry, come to see me cry

Come to see me cry out loud again (ooh)

Cry, come see me cry

Come to see me cry, this is the end (ooh)

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Ever since day one

Pop a 911

Then pop another one

Keep my dolls inside diamond boxes

Save 'em 'til I know I'm gonna drop this front

I've built around me oasis

Paradise is in my hands

Holding on so tight to this status

It's not real, but I'll try to grab it

Keep myself in beautiful places

Paradise is in my hands

Cry, come to see me cry

Come to see me cry out loud again (ooh)

Cry, come see me cry

Come to see me cry, this is the end (ooh)

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Ever since day one

Pop a 911

Then pop another one

P-pop another one (ooh)

Pop a 911

Then P-pop another one (ooh)

Cry, come to see me cry

Come to see me cry out loud again (ooh)

Cry, come see me cry

Come to see me cry, this is the end (ooh)

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Pop a 911

My biggest enemy is me

Ever since day one

Pop a 911

Then pop another one

Please patch the line

Please patch the line

Need a 911, can you patch the line?

Please patch the line

Please patch the line

Need a 911, can you patch the line?


lady gaga 911

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