Krewella Yellow Claw (feat Vava)


Yellow Claw (feat Vava)Krewella


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时间: 02:41 尺寸: 2.47 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 2



Krewella Yellow Claw (feat Vava) 歌词

Mama told ya girl she's a mutt

She said do me, she said do me proud, half-blood

People every, people every corner, every block

We be rolling, we be rolling 'til ten o'clock

(Rolling, rolling, rolling)

Getting litty pounding sake, hello kitty eating Pocky

Boss bitch, hella cocky, that's what's up (That's what's up)

I'm in Cali making noise on sawtelle with the boys

Looking hella fresh, Kyoto, I'm the plug (I'm the plug)

La-La-Latin ladies on me, like some mole on tamales

All the señoritas always show me love

Go-Got a fine Russian model, taking vodka from the bottle

Sasha, she don't need no chaser in her cup (In her cup)

It's a new world, new world

All the bad boys and the rude girls

It's the new world, new world

Yeah, we coming up, yeah, we, yeah, we coming…

Krewella- Yellow Claw (feat Vava) 下载mp3

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