Khontkar Trap Shit


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Khontkar Trap Shit 歌词

Khontkar - Trap Shit Sözleri

Dreamin in a Rova, trappin like I’m Hova

Chains on me oh yah, wow wow wow yah

Rollie iced gold yah and I need a hoe yah

Ya’ll wanna join ha all night long yah

Now time to wake up, money is right there I need to catch up

There is no chance for me need to push up

I came up and now they fallin apart

I might have been on the moon yeah

Your bitch wanna touch the cool one

You know I’m the fuckin’ real one

Your bitch really wants to hook up

But I ain’t got no time for pull up, I might be doin’ some G stuff

Pass me that shit so I can do what I want

I know I’ll be better with another cut

Haha please Imma devil on that mic

Maybe thinking on that too much, I wish I had all of it right now

I want it all yah

Please give me lord yah

I play by my rules yah

You gotta fit em all yah

You betta fit em all yah

Gotta fit em all

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it

Takin shit too high upper echelon

It’s another level Imma firestorm

Bitches, all they know better pussies burned

I putted name tag on it they gonna learn

Who hit it first who gave em a pürse

Gave em a Louis, gave em a lot shit

But they trynna put me in a dirt yeah, wrote a check for this bitch mane

I need to boss up and do my own thang

Nobody can stop me, changing on the plans now what’s gonna be

When I pulled up on the top ha what’s gonna be

It’s not shockin news ‘cuz I was so focused

Damn right I earned it so fuck em

I got a list of my problems, I deal with ‘em with my middle finger

I salute all of these haters, I’m turning down all of them faders

You know I’m also working with table

Don’t tell me shit I know probably better than you

So fuck it, change yourself do you get it

Give what this shit really deserves, I don’t know what I deserve

I just want that dessert, even I got a shirt on me says

“I want that dessert”

But still

I want it all yah

Please give me lord yah

I play by my rules yah

You gotta fit em all yah

You betta fit em all yah

Gotta fit em all

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it

Nothin’ can do ‘bout it
Söz & Müzik: Khontkar

Mix & Mastering: Barry Allen


khontkar trap shit

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