Khontkar Bitch Don't Breathe My Air


Bitch Don't Breathe My AirKhontkar


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Khontkar Bitch Don't Breathe My Air 歌词

Khontkar - Bitch Don't Breathe My Air Sözleri

[Hook: Bixi Blake]

Got my monsters grow

And I'm ridin' real slow let the

Let the speakers blow

What a legendary show

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

[Verse 1: Bixi Blake]

Kill'em all and keep movin'

I'm gonna be yo nightmare

Roll it up and keep smokin'

I know that life ain't fair

I know, I know, I know that there ain't no heaven on earth

He rapin your girl, you fuck all the world

You fuck all the world only if they deserve

She makes me feel like I'll fly right now

Tonight is hell of a night right now

I don't think Im gonna die right now

Stay high right now, this shit is 'bout to get hot right now

I said it, I mean it, you took it

I made it, I'm faded and I feel Unchained

And I know why I got hunna of reasons to fly

We gettin' higher and higher and high

Screamin' louder and louder and loud haa!

[Hook: Bixi Blake]

Got my monsters grow

And I'm ridin' real slow let the

Let the speakers blow

What a legendary show

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

[Verse 2: Bixi Blake]

After party me and some groupies they so naughty

She drives an audi, she ridin' dirty

Bitches thirsty, she's almost 30

That bitch walkin' on high heels sniffin' coka ain't poppin pills

Hunna dolla bills, thousand dolla bills

If you got a deal, she's down for real!

Molly, molly, molly, it feels like ferrari

Bubble butt, she got it, body like bugatti

Rollin' with an X6 send the next bitch

And lemme test it, they call me hat-trick

Can you feel the fire? This is your desire

Baby it's not yet expired, even next level is higher!

Make that pussy rain, Imma let them bitches go insane

As long as we own this muthafuckin' game

[Hook: Bixi Blake]

Got my monsters grow

And I'm ridin' real slow let the

Let the speakers blow

What a legendary show

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

Bitch don't breathe my air

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