Kendrick Lamar feat SZA-All The Stars


feat SZA-All The StarsKendrick Lamar


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时间: 03:54 尺寸: 7.25 Mb 下载次数: 389 浏览次数: 71



Kendrick Lamar feat SZA-All The Stars 歌词

Love, let's talk about love

Is it anything and everything you hoped for?

Or do the feeling haunt you?I know the feeling haunt you

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

Tell me what you gon' do to me

Confrontation ain't nothin' new to me

You can bring a bullet, bring a sword, bring a morgue

But you can't bring the truth to me

Fuck you and all your expectations

I don't even want your congratulations

I recognize your false confidence

And calculated promises all in your conversation

I hate people that feel entitled

Look at me crazy 'cause I ain't invite you

Oh, you important?

You the moral to the story? You endorsin'?

Mothafucka, I don't even like you

Corrupt a man's heart with a gift

That's how you find out who you dealin' with

A small percentage who I'm buildin' with

I want the credit if I'm losin' or I'm winnin'

On my momma, that's the realest shit

Love, let's talk about love

Is it anything and everything you hoped for?

Or do the feeling haunt you?

I know the feeling haunt you

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

Skin covered in ego

Get to talkin', I get involved, like a rebound

No control, no off switch

And the way that you bringin' me down

It's a turn on, get it away from me

Know you mean wrong, keep away from me

And it's all wrong, get it away from me, yeah

I, I just cry for no reason

I just pray for no reason

I just thank for the life, for the day

For the hours and another life breathin'

I did it all 'cause it feel good

You could live it all if you feel bad

Better live your life, we were runnin' out of time

Love, let's talk about love

Is it anything and everything you hoped for?

Or do the feeling haunt you?

I know the feeling haunt you

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

This may be the night that my dreams might let me know

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

All the stars are closer

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