Katy Perry Pendulum


PendulumKaty Perry


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Katy Perry Pendulum 歌词

Katy Perry Bigger Pendulum Şarkı Sözleri
You got patina, ain't so green, nah
You earned this spot, got your receipts, yeah
Funny, gotta add addendums to your dreams
Still you never sleep, no
You never sleep, ah
Oh, you learned to dance, to bob and weave, yeah
To let that water roll off easy, yeah
You grew yourself above the weeds
Taller than the trees, oh
So, don't try and reinvent your wheel
'Cause you're too original
Baby, just stay classic
Ain't broke, ain't broke, don't fix it
Your highs, your lows, just ride it 
It's a pendulum, it all comes back around
It's a pendulum, it's a pendulum
Life's a pendulum, it'll all come back around
It's a pendulum, it all comes back, it all comes back
So, just take those punches on the chin, yeah
Don't fight the changes in the wind, no, no
'Cause you'll find your way home, oh, if you find a way to let go
Just let go
Don't try and reinvent your wheel (your wheel)
'Cause you're too original (original)
Baby, just stay classic
Ain't broke, ain't broke, don't fix it
Your highs, your lows, just ride it
It's a pendulum, it all comes back around (pendulum)
It's a pendulum (all comes back around), it's a pendulum
Life's a pendulum, it'll all come back around
It's a pendulum, it all comes back, it all comes back around
And there is no need to worry, the pages keep on turning
And it goes on and on, comes all the way around
There is no need to hurry if there's a fire burning
'Cause it goes on and on, comes all the way around
All the way around
Hey, around
Oh (all the way around), c'mon
Ain't broke, ain't broke, don't fix it
Your highs, your lows, just ride it 
It's a pendulum, it all comes back around (oh-oh)
It's a pendulum, it's a pendulum (life is, life is...)
Life's a pendulum, it'll all come back around (hey)
It's a pendulum, it all comes back, it all comes back
It's a pendulum, it all comes back around (oh-oh)
It's a pendulum, it's a pendulum
Life's a pendulum, it'll all come back around (pendulum)
It's a pendulum, it all comes back, it all comes back

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