Kane Brown Thunder In The Rain


Thunder In The RainKane Brown


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Kane Brown Thunder In The Rain 歌词

Your lips, your eyes, don't wanna let go
Your skin on mine, I'm losing control
Hear the rumble in your chest
Feel the wind coming off your breathe
Your curves ain't slow me down
Ain't nothing gonna stop us now
You're fire, I'm lightning
We're burning at the core
Falling and crashing
Girl we're a perfect storm
Every time our hearts collide
I can feel our love come alive
It's the same, baby
We're like thunder in the rain
Twisted, tangled like a hurricane
We shake these walls like an earthquake
Hear the rumble in your chest
Feel the wind coming off your breathe
Awake, calling out my name
Makes me hard to contain
You're fire, I'm lightning
We're burning at the core
Falling and crashing
Girl we're the perfect storm
Every time our hearts collide
I can feel our love come alive
It's the same, baby
We're like thunder in the rain
We're like thunder in the rain
You're fire, I'm lightning
We're burning at the core
Falling and crashing
Girl we're a perfect storm
You're fire, I'm lightning
We're burning at the core
Falling and crashing,
Girl we're a perfect storm
Every time our hearts collide
I can feel our love come alive
It's the same, baby
We're like thunder in the rain
We're like thunder in the rain

Kane Brown- Thunder In The Rain 下载mp3

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