Kane Brown Like A Rodeo


Like A RodeoKane Brown


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Kane Brown Like A Rodeo 歌词

Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
I picked you up with a cowboy nod at the hotel bar
It was less than eight seconds, girl, you stole my heart
We had drinks and smokes, played your songs on guitar
I was crazy out the gate and you were wild from the start
You hopped in my Bronco and we had the time of our life
We've come a long way since then, girl
But it's been one hell of a ride
Love is like a rodeo, tryna see how far we go
After one touch, became obsessed with the rush
Yeah, love is like a rodeo, I just wanna steal the show
We fight and we fall, but we keep holding on
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
Girl, there's something kind of dangerous
About the way you move
I knew it wouldn't be easy hanging on to you
'Cause when you hit the lights, put your lips on mine
It gets hotter than a Houston night
Yeah, love is like a rodeo, tryna see how far we go
After one touch, became obsessed with the rush
Yeah, love is like a rodeo, I just wanna steal the show
We fight and we fall, but we keep holding on
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo
You hopped in my Bronco
And we had the time of our life (the time of our life)
We've come a long way since then, girl
But it's been one hell of a ride (one hell of a ride)
Yeah, love is like a rodeo, tryna see how far we go
After one touch, became obsessed with the rush
Yeah, love is like a rodeo, I just wanna steal the show
We fight and we fall, but we keep holding on
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo (but we keep holding on)
Love is like a rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo (but we keep holding on)
I picked you up with a cowboy nod at the hotel bar
It was less than eight seconds, girl, you stole my heart
Rodeo, rodeo, rodeo, rodeo


kane brown like rodeo

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