Jennifer Lopez Same Girl


Same GirlJennifer Lopez


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Jennifer Lopez Same Girl 歌词

J. Lo

Philly gettin closer

Stuntin' like I'm supposed

To stop me, no sir

Philly gettin closer

Stuntin' like I'm supposed

To stop me, no sir

Stop me?

When you make it your're the chosen (you're the chosen)

Sayin time you're in trouble (you in trouble)

Mama told me stay up by that corner (at that corner)

Thank God that we made that out that corner (out that corner)

Goin' crazy? Suicidal (race boys)

IRS watchin' your money on the Forbes (on the Forbes)

Shorty on me got a bag (got a bag)

Haters wanna see in me in a bodybath (bodybath)

My head's killing me

I'm losing sleep

And I'm waking up tired, of it all

Early in the morning

And there's something already

With my name always involved

I'm tryin' to get rid of the baggage (baggage)

Fake friends I call them has-been

Yeah they mind on stuck

And it's OK if they don't show me luck, no

They want me to lock down

They want me to crawl

They want me to cry now

But I've never fallen off

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders?

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me

Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders?

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

'Cause in the end I'm still the same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

I'm just the same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

Show me what I gotta do

I'm tryna make it clear to you

Not dealing with the attitude

I'm tired

Of tryna make you see that I'm still me

Switched up my longitude and latitude

You're in my way, you better move

'Cause I'm on the same ground

No, I never changed, I loving every day

I know that I'm the same Jenny from around the way

They want me to lock down

They want me to crawl

They want me to cry now

But I've never fallen off

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders?

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me

Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

Why you tryna put the world up on my shoulders?

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

Too damn grown, I don't owe nobody

Get off of me yeah

Get off of me yeah

'Cause in the end I'm still the same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

I'm just the same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

Same girl (same girl)

I'ma keep on growin'

Keep on shinin'

Just wanna do me

I had a thing that 'cause he chose me

I'm still the same girl

When I was there broke, there was nobody (nobody)

Back to the walls, there's nobody (nobody)

Still the same old nigga (nigga)

Thirty new cars, thirty chains on nigga

Bein' real (bein' real)

Count money (count money)

Get high (get high) oh la la

Bein' real (been real)

Count money (count money)

Gettin' high (gettin' high) oh la la

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