Jason Derulo The Sky's The Limit


The Sky's The LimitJason Derulo


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Jason Derulo The Sky's The Limit 歌词

Jason Derulo The Sky's The Limit Şarkı Sözleri

Jason Derulo

Like a shock, to my heart
When I saw you tonight
Like a dream come alive
For the very first time

When we touch, in the dark
Baby you're blowing my mind
Wish I could freeze you and me
In this moment in time

You got it, but I won't
Give it up, shorty
Step it up, for me
and I'll give you everything
All my life, All my love
I give you my fortune and fame
I'll even give you my name

Girl you take me higher
Then I've ever been before
My feet don't touch the floor
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit
Girl you take me

Up Up Up Uuuup Up Up Uuuup Up

Girl you take me up
Girl You take me higher
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit

When we dance, when we kiss
Doesn't get any better than this
How you shine, trapped in the spotlight
Finally mine

Baby let's go, let's get out of here
Baby let go, got nothing to fear
And now that we're here, Let's disappear
Into the night
You got it, but I won't
Give it up, shorty
Step it up, for me
and I'll give you everything
All my life, All my love
I give you my fortune and fame
I'll even give you my name

Girl you take me higher
Then I've ever been before
My feet don't touch the floor
The sky's The limit
The sky's The limit
Girl you take me

Up Up Up Uuuup Up Up Uuuup Up

Girl you take me up
Girl you take me higher
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit
Ohhhh ohhhh

Uuuup Uuuup. girl, you take me uuuuuuup
ooooh yeah, ohhh
The Sky's The Limit
The Sky's The Limit

My feet are on the ceiling
They don't wanna touch the ground anymore
Oh what I feel, I can feel it
Can you feel it (feel It, feel it)

Girl you take me higher
Then I've ever been before
My feet don't touch the floor
We'll flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit
Girl you take me
Up Up Up Uuuup Up Up Uuuup Up
Girl You take me up
Girl You take me
Up Up Up Uuuup Up
The sky's the limit
The sky's the limit
Ohhh Woooow

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