India Arie Talk To Her


Talk To HerIndia Arie


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India Arie Talk To Her 歌词

When you talk to her, talk to her
Like you want somebody to talk to your mama
Don't get smart with her, have a heart to heart
With her just like you would with your daughter
Cause everything you do or say
You got to live with it everyday
She's somebody's baby
She's somebody's sister
She's somebody's mama
Now when you go to her, speak truthfully
Be honest as you can be from your heart
You're in a situation where ya losing patience
Take some time and look her in the eye
When you just can't find the words you want
And it's hard to reach the point
Where you both can understand
Don't just tell the truth
But tell the whole truth
It'll make a better man outta you
When you talk to her, talk to her
Like you want somebody to talk to your mama
Don't get smart with her, have a heart to heart
With her just like you would with your daughter
Cause everything you do or say
You got to live with it everyday
She's somebody's baby
She's somebody's sister
She's somebody's mama
It doesn't matter if she's wearin'
A mini skirt or a business suit
Whether she's twenty-five or ninety-nine
Treat her the way your mama taught you to
She could be the queen of Sheba
She could be a schoolteacher
Home maker or a lawyer
I think it's good for your Karma
Like when you talk to her
When you talk to her, talk to her
Like you want somebody to talk to your mama
Don't get smart with her, have a heart to heart
With her just like you would with your daughter
Cause everything you do or say
You got to live with it everyday
She's somebody's baby
She's somebody's sister
She's somebody's mama
Now, let's keep it real
Nothing in this world could ever exist
Without its opposite
There has to be a sun and a moon
A man and a woman
And that's just the way it is
Humanity's lop-sided
And everybody's fighting
How do we restore the peace?
Mother Earth is hurting
'Cause everyone is searching
For the feminine energy
When you talk to her, talk to her
Like you want somebody to
Talk to your nana
Watch your mouth, yeah, yeah
Don't get smart with her, have
Heart to heart
With her just like you would
With your daughter
'Cause everything you do or say
You got to live with it everyday
She's somebody's baby
She's somebody's sister
She's somebody's mama
When you talk to her, talk to her
Like you want somebody to talk to your mama
Just like you fight for your sister
If you know that somebody dissed her
How you gonna care for your daughter
Turn around and talk bad 'bout her mama?
Same way you listen to your auntie
Never interrupts while you speak
Make your words sweet like candy
As if you were talking to your granny, yeah
If you really love her, then
(Say so)
If you really need her, then
(Say so)
You love the way she thinks
(Say so)
You love the way she speaks
(Say so)
When you need some good conversation
(Say so)
(Say so)
If you want her in your life
(Say so)
You want her to be your wife
(Say so)
You'll be there to the end
(Say so)
If you're thinking 'bout leaving
(Say so)
If you wonder where she's going
(Say so)
If you need to grieve with her
(Say so)
You just want to be with her
(Say so)
If you love her hair
(Say so)
If you want her there
(Say so)
Tell me if you really want her
(Say so)
You want to slap her down
(Say so)


india arie talk her

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