Imagine Dragons I Bet My Life


I Bet My LifeImagine Dragons


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时间: 03:33 尺寸: 3.28 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 26



Imagine Dragons I Bet My Life 歌词

I know I took the path that you would never want for me

I know I let you down, didn't I?

So many sleepless nightsWhere you were waiting up on me

Well I'm just a slave unto the night

Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me

Remember when I broke you down to tears

I know I took the path that you would never want for me

I gave you hell through all the years

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

I've been around the world but never in my wildest dreams

Would I come running home to you

I've told a million lies

But now I tell a single truth

There's you in everything I do

Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me

Remember when I broke you down to tears

I know I took the path that you would never want for me

I gave you hell through all the years

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

Don't tell me that I'm wrong

I've walked that road before

I left you on your own

And please believe them when they say

That it's left for yesterday

And the records that I've played

Please forgive for all I've done

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

I, I bet my life, I bet my life

I bet my life for you

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