Generationals Black Lemon


Black LemonGenerationals


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Generationals Black Lemon 歌词

I let my old life tie me to the tracks

I heard my best friend tell me

You can never go back

I spent my long years

Learning to get out of the way

I have been taught to turn the other cheek

I get my back stabbed buddy

To the end of the week

I only try to make it to the end of the day

I've seen it break so many before

I don't want stick around

Here and watch anymore

I'm not about to fight until the last of me dies

I'll be resting my eyes

I'll be resting my eyes

Try to follow a path to lead me to the light

But when your load gets heavy

Maybe call it a night

Roll it around and take it from the bottom again

I'm not afraid to lean over the ledge

But if you take…

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