Gavin James Nervous


NervousGavin James


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时间: 03:13 尺寸: 2.96 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 7



Gavin James Nervous 歌词

I promise that I'll hold you when it's cold out
When we loose our winter coats in the spring
'Cause lately I was thinking I never told you
That every time I see you my heart sings
'Cause we lived at the carnival in summer
We scared ourselves to death on a ghost train
And just like every Ferris wheel stops turning
Oh I guess we had an expiration date
So I won't say I love you, it's too late
'Cause every time I saw you I got nervous
Shivering and shaking at the knees
And just like every song I haven't heard yet no
I didn't know the words in front of me
In front of me, and oh
But I don't wanna know
Who'll take you home?
Who'll take you home?
Who'll take you home, home?
If I let you go
Now that you're on someone else's shoulders
The winter winds are colder on my own
Maybe we will meet when we get older
Maybe we won't
So I won't say I love you if you don't
And no you don't (oh oh)
So I won't say I love you if you don't

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