Gabriella Cilmi Echo Beach


Echo BeachGabriella Cilmi


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Gabriella Cilmi Echo Beach 歌词

I know it's out of fashion
And a trifle uncool
But I can't help it
I'm a romantic fool
It's a habit of mine
To watch the sun go down
On Echo Beach
I watch the sun go down
From nine to five I have to spend my time at work
My job is very boring - I'm an office clerk
The only think that helps me pass the time away
Is knowing that I'll be back at Echo Beach some day
On some enchanted evening
The sky's alive with lights
Our building in the distance is a surrealistic sight
On Echo Beach waves make the only sound
On Echo Beach there's not a soul around
From nine to five I have to spend my time at work
My job is very boring - I'm an office clerk
The only think that helps me pass the time away
Is knowing that I'll be back at Echo Beach some day

Gabriella Cilmi- Echo Beach 下载mp3

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