G-Eazy FFF




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时间: 03:29 尺寸: 3.21 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 9



G-Eazy FFF 歌词

Bebe I got ya

Friends come and go, friends come and goGo like the seasons

I never know, I never know what to believe in

And it's getting old, it's getting old

But no hard feelings

'Cause friends come and go, friends come and go without a reason

And I, I've been in L.A. for way too long

Can't get this air inside my lungs

It feels like I'm suffocatin' from all the lack of the realness here

Is there anybody real out here?

Got my middle, middle up while I'm singing

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

I've had it up to the ceiling

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

I'll say it to your face, fuck fake friends

And lately I've been dealin' with mad stress

Comes with the territory of a Hollywood address

Is anybody real here? I need some fact checks

I need more realness, need you to act less

'Cause they deserve Oscars, so many imposters

What's up with guest lists?

Can I come to your concerts?

We all got demons, I'm dealin' with monsters

I've taken every picture, signed titties and signed shirts

But at the same time I know I'm blessed to be here

So let's just be clear, how many kids wish they had this spot

I got success, it's not a sandy beach chair

Be careful with the people you meet here, I'm sayin'

Uh, yeah

Is there anybody real out here? (G)

Got my middle, middle up while I'm singing (uh)

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

I've had it up to the ceiling

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

I'll say it to your face, fuck fake friends


We don't need 'em

(Bebe, you know I feel you)

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

Say it to my face, don't pretend

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

I'll say it to your face, fuck fake friends

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

Say it to my face, don't pretend

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

I'll say it to your face, fuck fake friends

Is there anybody real out here?

Got my middle, middle up while I'm singing

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

I've had it up to the ceiling

Fuck fake friends, we don't need 'em

Only thing they're good for is leaving

And I ain't got the time, money on my mind

I'll say it to your face, fuck fake friends


eazy fff

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