Future feat Drake-Used To This


feat Drake-Used To ThisFuture


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时间: 03:01 尺寸: 2.77 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 27



Future feat Drake-Used To This 歌词

Mexicano, I'm working like I'm Mexicano
New persona, we're moving on from Ferragamo (I'm moving on)
Get the llama, I party with the real Madonna (yeah)
Beat the odds, do numbers and remain humble (Future)
Drop-top Porsches, I'm so used to this
Smoking out the pound, I'm so used to this
I know where I'm from and I got used to this
Mansion in the hills, I got used to this
Stack of booty bitches, I got used to this
There's Iceland in my wrist, I think I'm used to this
Tropicana bitches, I got all kinda flavors
Selling dope all my life, I can't do minimum wage (nah)
Dirty-dirty money, I got used to this (gang)
I give you my whole heart till there ain't nothing to give (Future)
You know how far we came if you know where we been (Freebandz)
How many niggas you know can hop in the Benz?
Be honest to yourself, don't you never pretend (tell 'em)
Don't ever play yourself, know when it all begins (you know)
I had to put my back against the wall (and what?)
Tell me that I don't deserve to ball
Mexicano, I'm working like I'm Mexicano
New persona, we're moving on from Ferragamo
Get the llama, I party with the real Madonna
Beat the odds, do numbers and remain humble (yeah)
Drop-top Porsches, I'm so used to this
Smoking out the pound, I'm so used to this
I know where I'm from and I got used to this
Mansion in the hills, I got used to this
Lambo come alive, man, I'm used to this
No one looks surprised 'cause we used to this
I'ma make sure that we get used to this
Treat my brother's kids like they one of my kids
Never looking back on it, we did what we did
Could never find the time for the people I miss
Thought they had my back against the wall
Tell me that I don't deserve to ball
Well, then tell me who deserve it
Eyes getting low but I'm still observing
I see you lurking
Never see me out in person
I'm always working
Money on your head if you make a nigga nervous
Never made a move out here unless I was certain
Tatted on me, but this shit is deeper than the surface
I'm with everyone that I was here with in the first place
Making sure that they all good before they close the curtain
Mexicano, I'm working like I'm Mexicano
New persona, we're moving on from Ferragamo
Get the llama, I party with the real Madonna (yeah)
Beat the odds, do numbers and remain humble (Future)
Drop-top Porsches, I'm so used to this
Smoking out the pound, I'm so used to this
I know where I'm from and I got used to this
Mansion in the hills, I got used to this (Future)
Ohh-oh, ohh-ohhh

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