Evanescence Imperfection




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时间: 06:40 尺寸: 6.12 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6

Evanescence - Imperfection - 视频剪辑

时间: 06:40 尺寸: 63.69 Mb 格式: .mp4 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6



Evanescence Imperfection 歌词

The more you try to fight it

The more you try to hide it

The more infected, rejected, you feel alone inside itYou know you can't deny it

The world's a little more fucked up everyday

I'm gonna save you from it

Together we'll outrun it

Just don't give into the fear

So many things I would've told you If I

Knew that I was never gonna see you again

I wanna lift you up into the light that you deserve

I wanna take your pain into myself so you won't hurt

Don't you dare surrender

Don't leave me here without you

Cause I could never

Replace your perfect imperfection

The way you look us over

Your counterfeit composure

Pushing again and again and sinking lower and lower

The world is on our shoulders

Do you really know the weight of the words you say?

You want a little of it

You just can't let go of it

You've got an ego to feed

Too late to rise above it

Don't look now but the little girl's got a grenade

I'm gonna lift you up into the light you deserve

I'm gonna take you down to the real world so you can watch it burn

Don't you dare surrender

Don't leave me here without you

Cause I would never

Replace your perfect imperfection

We stand undefined

Can't be drawn with a straight line

This will not be our ending

We are alive, we are alive

Don't you dare surrender

Don't leave me here without you

Cause I would never

Replace your perfect imperfection

Don't you dare surrender

I'm still right beside you

And I would never

Replace your perfect imperfection

Evanescence- Imperfection 下载mp3

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