Esra Zeynep Yucel feat Lena Seikaly-The Girl from Ipanema


feat Lena Seikaly-The Girl from IpanemaEsra Zeynep Yucel


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Esra Zeynep Yucel feat Lena Seikaly-The Girl from Ipanema 歌词

tall and tan and lovely,
the girl from ipanema goes walking,
and when she passes,
each one she passes goes "ahh!"

when she walks she's like a samba
that swing so cool and sways so gentle,
that when she passes,
each one she passes goes "ahh!"

oh, but i watch her so sadly,
how can i tell her i love her?
yes, i would give my heart gladly.
but each day when she walks to sea,
she looks straight ahead not at me.

tall and tan and young and lovely,
the girl from ipanema goes walking,
and when she passes i smile, but she doesn't see. :||

she just doesn't see.
no she doesn't see.

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