Enya Evening Falls


Evening FallsEnya


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Enya Evening Falls 歌词

When the evening falls
And the daylight is fading
From within me calls
Could it be I am sleeping?
For a moment I stray
Then it holds me completely
Close to home, I cannot say
Close to home, feeling so far away
As I walk the room
There before me a shadow
From another world
Where no other can follow
Carry me to my own
To where I can cross over,
Close to home, I cannot say
Close to home, feeling so far away
Forever searching, never right
I am lost in oceans of night
Forever hoping I can find memories
Those memories I left behind
Even though I leave
Will I go on believing
That this time is real
Am I lost in this feeling?
Like a child passing through
Never knowing the reason
I am home, I know the way
I am home, feeling oh, so far away


enya evening falls

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