Enisa Something Beautiful


Something BeautifulEnisa


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Enisa Something Beautiful 歌词

[Verse 1]

These are the days you can't imagine

These kind of nights should never happen

There's a lesson to be learned if you could see it

And there's a higher truth I still believe in


Even in the darkest hour, we don't know what lies ahead

We'll never give up power, we'll never bow our heads

Even when your face is wet, with someone else's tears

Promise you'll never forget


Something beautiful, incredible

Gotta show the world we're not invisible

Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Don't know the word impossible

Together we're invincible, invincible

[Verse 2]

These are the hours we're put to the test

This is the worst now but it brings out our best

Together we ain't blinded by the darkness

We gon' make it through but damn this is the hardest


Even in the darkest hour, we don't know what lies ahead

We'll never give up power, we'll never bow our heads

Even when your face is wet, with someone else's tears

Promise you'll never forget

[Extended Chorus]

Something beautiful, incredible

Ne i tregojme botës se na jena një

Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Don't know the word impossible

Together we're invincible, invincible

We're invincible

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