Ece Mumay feat Sadrican Sagdur-Dark in the Night


feat Sadrican Sagdur-Dark in the NightEce Mumay


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时间: 03:43 尺寸: 3.42 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 3



Ece Mumay feat Sadrican Sagdur-Dark in the Night 歌词

Everything was so overwhelming in my life
I need‘ to breath it was so dark in the night
I couldn't see anything until I got in your soul
Every path that I walked was so dark in the night
Everything is so overwhelming in my
Beat up turn on the sound I need you right now
Save me hold me heal me I'm awake up all night
Every path that I walked was so dark in the night
So dark in the night oh so dark in the night
Every path that I walked was so dark in the night
So dark in the night oh so dark in the night
Every path that I walked was so dark in the night
Whoa - whoa - whoa - wow - oh - oh - oh - whoah.
Well, i really don't wanna force you
but would you mind coming into my life?
I know it sounds so stupid so
ridiculous but that's the only reason I got.
I just really need you right now
It's just too frustrating right now
Well I thought so
You've got the keys to make me feel okay
You know it just you know it
Right now

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