Dua Lipa New Rules


New RulesDua Lipa


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时间: 03:44 尺寸: 3.44 Mb 下载次数: 12 浏览次数: 18

Dua Lipa - New Rules - 视频剪辑

时间: 03:44 尺寸: 27.75 Mb 格式: .mp4 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 18



Dua Lipa New Rules 歌词

Dua Lipa - New Rules Sözleri

alkin' in my sleep at night, makin' myself crazy

Out of my mind, out of my mind

Wrote it down and read it out, hopin' it would save me

Too many times, too many times

My love, he makes me feel like nobody else, nobody else

But my love, he doesn't love me, so I tell myself, I tell myself

One: Don't pick up the phone

You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two: Don't let him in

You'll have to kick him out again

Three: Don't be his friend

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em

I got new rules, I count 'em

I keep pushin' forwards, but he keeps pullin' me backwards

Nowhere to turn, no way, nowhere to turn, no

Now I'm…


dua lipa new rules

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