Dove Cameron feat Bia-Remember


feat Bia-RememberDove Cameron


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Dove Cameron feat Bia-Remember 歌词

Please, remember me like this

Beautiful and talking shit

'Cause things get ugly way too quickAnd right now we're just so perfect

So please, remember me just like

No shoes, dancing 'round your living room

Pulling off my t-shirt, putting on a show for you

We look good in black and white

Sipping on a glass of white

Magnify the city lights, right?

Swimming naked in the deep end

Make you wanna freeze frame, wait

Okay, I'm ready for my close up

Pin me like a poster

Faster Testarossa

Wait, just in case I'm the one that gets away

Please, remember me like this

Beautiful and talking shit

'Cause things get ugly way too quick

And right now we're just so perfect

So please, remember me like this

Beautiful and delicate

'Cause things get ugly way too quick

And right now, we're just so perfect

So please, remember me just like this (ooh)

Just like this (ooh)

Just like

Running in the raindrops, city is a graveyard

Kissing at the train stop, we don't care if they watch

Nothing wrong with PDA

You and me can't hardly wait 'til we get back to your place

Stealing half your ice cream

Talking 'bout a pipe dream

Singing karaoke, killing Backstreet

Touching in the photo booth

Something you can hold on to

Babe, just in case I'm the one that gets away

Please, remember me like this

Beautiful and talking shit

'Cause things get ugly way too quick

And right now we're just so perfect

So please, remember me like this

Beautiful and delicate

'Cause things get ugly way too quick

And right now, we're just so perfect

So please, remember me just like this (yo, BIA, uh)

Remember me, I play no games 'bout my legacy

What's for me ends up for me that bring the jealousy

They try to block but can't get in the way of destiny

I'm unapologetically free, that's why they envy me

Riding down Rodeo and I just took the top off

I'm still with the same friends, before we've seen the pop off

Some things just don't change, they stay the same 'cause

I got myself paid and I did not stop

Please, remember me like this (uh)

Beautiful and talking shit

'Cause things get ugly way too quick (quick)

And right now we're just so perfect

So please, remember me like this (uh)

Beautiful and delicate

'Cause things get ugly way too quick

And right now, we're just so perfect

So please, remember me just like this (remember me)

(Ooh) Remember me just like this

Remember me (ooh)

Just like this

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