Don Toliver Situation


SituationDon Toliver


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Don Toliver Situation 歌词

I'm in this situation, I'ma hit that boy with the spaces

And I don't feel no wrong with you, dependent on your playlist

I'm only hitting her if she bad, it gotta be a A-List

I turned this stuff, better to relapse, I'm warming up your faces

Two-step to that party (Party)

Backstage, Jeff Hardy, put in that chokehold, Worldstar

Sound like a new car when I bought it

I always dreamed 'bout this lifestyle and happiness

Now that I got mine, I sit back and reminisce

Please don't test me, I pop pills like M&M's

Better stack my M&M's, smoke good with my kin and them

No joke, rock Eminem, and I like my dinner rare

And I just arrived and dined in LA, R.I.P. to Nip

So pour a four, R.I.P. to Pimp

I know y'all want my chips, but I still got all my dip

Remember that .38…

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