Dermot Kennedy Rome


RomeDermot Kennedy


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时间: 03:35 尺寸: 3.30 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6



Dermot Kennedy Rome 歌词

So, what's the past for?
I'll need it if love don't last long
You can run around infinite in my head
Oh, you can't see, oh, I'd stay if you asked me
Now you know I care, but it's hard to tell when you're scared
But last night
It hurt me to hear you say it felt broken
And even though I tried
All these memories run my mind in slow motion
Do you remember when
Midnight drives when you'd sing
I'd play you songs you were in?
I just want to be there again
Do you remember when
With Rome below us that day
You said, "I wish we could stay"?
I just want to be there again
Remember that first laugh?
All it changed once I had that
Like a hurricane, but I don't care where I land
So, dance carefree, I hope it's easier knowing me
Now, your soul is yours, but I'll help it move if I can
But last night
It hurt me to hear you say it felt broken
And even though I tried
All these memories run my mind in slow motion
Do you remember when
Midnight drives when you'd sing
I'd play you songs you were in?
I just want to be there again
Do you remember when
With Rome below us that day
You said, "I wish we could stay"?
I just want to be there again
Do you remember when? Oh
Do you remember when?
I don't ever wanna leave when you cry
I know I give you reasons to hide
I need you to stay by my side
First shootin' star that you ever saw
We were right on our feet though, right?
Opening the car door for light
I really thought I'd lose you that time
Do you remember when
Midnight drives when you'd sing
I'd play you songs you were in?
I just want to be there again
Do you remember when
With Rome below us that day
You said, "I wish we could stay"?
I just want to be there again
Do you remember when? Oh
Do you remember when?
Do you remember when? Oh
Do you remember when?
Ooh, ah
Ooh, ooh

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