Dermot Kennedy Outgrown


OutgrownDermot Kennedy


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时间: 03:20 尺寸: 3.07 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 8



Dermot Kennedy Outgrown 歌词

So, we'll call it all believing in the art
There's evidence and remnants of a spark
A strong belief there'll be a better part
When the hoping ends (when the hoping ends)
All these memories get written in the scars
Now, every dream is left among the stars
Force that dreaded raven to depart
When the snow begins (when the snow begins)
I'll be all out lonely, if you all outgrow me
To know with all of this potential should've raised up, but I never did
Scared the stars won't show me if you all outgrow me
I know every road I run down has a sundown, that's the way it is
So, I'll try to chase those days and never catch 'em
I'll try to walk the other way and learn detachment
Raise the eyes you save for me and all the laughter
You used to hold me in
I'll just let go of love that others dreamed to capture
I'll never know another feeling like your rapture
I'm gonna go, I gotta be here in your absence
Now, this poem has ended
I'll be all out lonely, if you all outgrow me
To know with all of this potential should've raised up, but I never did
Scared the stars won't show me if you all outgrow me
I know every road I run down has a sundown, that's the way it is
That's why I'm let down, let down, honey
That's why I'm let down, let down, honey
That night, that drive
Felt like every single wolf was around us
That night was so quiet
Felt like all the trees were keeping the sound out
So, hold me right, I'll pray
That I'll promise you this moment will come
Oh, alright, you got a pretty way of keeping the sound out
I'll be all out lonely if you all outgrow me
To know with all of this potential should've raised up, but I never did
Scared the stars won't show me if you all outgrow me
I know every road I run down has a sundown, that's the way it is
That's why I'm let down, let down, honey
(All the trees were keeping the sound out)
That's why I'm let down, let down, honey
(Pretty way of keeping the sound out) ooh

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