Dermot Kennedy Moments Passed


Moments PassedDermot Kennedy


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Dermot Kennedy Moments Passed 歌词

Maybe it's all down to the thought of her
Maybe it's all down to the loss we learned
Knew for a long time, for all it's worth
I wanted to run to you
What if I'm caught up and it's me you're calling?
What if I'm lost now 'cause of demons comin'
When she kissed me, I felt a new freedom or something
Well, move on
I found a moment to be brave, so I let her know
And she said, "How could I love you back?
You who dropped your dreams in the gutter"
And in my winter, she'll be burning slow
Feels like December knows me well
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?
Days when we all watched 'til we lost the birds
Threw a rose in 'til it caught the turn
Knew it felt right, we were bound to burn
I wanted to run to you
Maybe I've lost count of the rooms you're tall in
Maybe I've lost count of the nighttime all-ins
So the trees and her were first to know
It'll all be good, just hold me well
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?
Wasn't easy to go, I know
You shouldn't have no seat in the front row
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
And the sun came out, day late though
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
He pulled up, flat tires, ten spokes
I know, I know
Wasn't easy to go, I know
He came all that way just to say, "Hello"
I know, I know
'Cause I loved ya
Does that mean nothing to you now?
'Cause I loved ya
Get me back on homely ground
She said, "Oh, I know that love is all about the wind
How it can hold me up and kill me in the end"
Still I loved it
Does that mean nothing to you now?

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