Daya New




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时间: 03:50 尺寸: 3.52 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 8



Daya New 歌词

When you walk past that park near your apartment now
Do you think about me?
Do you think about me?
Do you drive fast?
When you realize you're on my street
Do you drive slowly?
Do you think about me?
Thought I could pack up my suitcase and just walk away, walk away (walk away)
Leave you with all the shit I didn't want to take, my mistake
I'm missing you, I'm missing you
What the hell did I do? (did I do?)
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you
I'm missing you, I'm missing you
What the hell did I do? (did I do?)
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you
Don't want new, I want you
Don't want new, I want you
I'm in his bed, right next to him
But he don't know
I'm just thinking 'bout you
I'm thinking 'bout you
When it's 3 AM, and I'm at the diner with his friends
I ain't thinking them
I'm just thinking 'bout you
Thought I could pack up my suitcase and just walk away, walk away (walk away)
Leave you with all the shit I didn't want to take, want to take
I'm missing you, I'm missing you
What the hell did I do? (did I do?)
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you
I'm missing you, I'm missing you
What the hell did I do? (did I do?)
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you
Don't want new, I want you
Don't want new, I want you
Thought I'd be better without you
I can't stop thinking about you
Now I'm with someone new (I want you)
Thought I'd be better without you
I can't stop thinking about you
Now I'm with someone new (I want you)
I'm missing you, I'm missing you
What the hell did I do? (did I do?)
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you
Messing with someone new
Thinking I wanted to
Turns out I don't want new, I want you


daya new

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