Daya Left Me Yet


Left Me YetDaya


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时间: 03:10 尺寸: 2.92 Mb 下载次数: 3 浏览次数: 3



Daya Left Me Yet 歌词

[Verse 1]
Bad at sorrys, good at finding places
I don't belong, where I don’t belong
You hold your tongue and light another blunt
When you know I'm wrong, when you know I'm wrong

I feel so lucky
When you say that you love me
’Cause I know I'm not worthy
Every time, you always forgive me
And you say that you miss me
Never hold it against me

I get mad, I hide things and say things I can't take back
I push you away, why do I do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me
I'm surprised you haven't left me yet

[Verse 2]
Everybody's looking at you
But you're looking at me, don’t know what you see
Keep me safe, you always stay awake
When I can’t sleep, when I can't sleep

I feel so lucky
When you say that you love me
’Cause I know I'm not worthy
Every time, you always forgive me
And you say that you miss me
Never hold it against me

I get mad, I hide things and say things I can't take back
I push you away, why do I do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me
I’m surprised you haven't left me yet
I get mad, I hide things and say things I can't take back
I push you away, why do I do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me
I'm surprised you haven't left me yet

I get mad
I break things, mistake things, my temper's bad
But you're still here with me, why do you do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me

I get mad (You know)
I hide things and say things I can't take back
I push you away, why do I do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me
And I'm surprised you haven't left me yet
I get mad (I get mad)
I hide things and say things I can't take back
I push you away, why do I do that?
Impatient, but you're patient with me
And I'm surprised you haven't left me yet


daya left yet

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