Damian Marley Welcome To Jamrock


Welcome To JamrockDamian Marley


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Damian Marley Welcome To Jamrock 歌词

Out in the streets, they call it murder

Welcome to Jamrock, camp where the thugs them camp atTwo pounds a weed inna van back

It inna your hand bag, your knapsack, it inna your back pack

The smell a give your girlfriend contact

Some boy nuh know this, dem only come around like tourist

On the beach with a few club sodas

Bedtime stories, and pose like dem name Chuck Norris

And don't know the real hardcore

'Cause Sandals a now back too, the thugs

Dem will do whe dem what them got to

And won't think twice to shot you

Don't make them spot you, unless you carry guns a lot too

A bare tuff things come at you

When Trenchtown man stop laugh and block-off traffic

Then dem wheel and pop off and dem start clap it

With the pin file dung and it a beat rapid

Police come inna jeep and them cant stop it

Some say them a playboy a playboy rabbit

Get dropped like a bad habit

So don't bother pose off if you don't have it

Rastafari stands alone!

Welcome to Jamrock, welcome to Jamrock

Out in the streets, they call it murder!

Welcome to Jamdown, poor people are dead at random

Political violence, can't done! Pure ghost and phantom,

The youth dem get blind by stardom

Now the king of kings a call

Old man to Pickney, so wave one hand if you with me

To see the sufferation sick me

Dem suit no fit me, to win election dem trick we

And them don't do nuttin' at all

Come on let's face it, a ghetto education's basic

And most a the youths them waste it

And when they waste it, that's when they take the guns, replace it

Then them don't stand a chance at all

And that's why ah nuff little youth have up some fat 'matic

With the extra magazine inna dem back pocket

And a bleach a night time inna some black jacket

All who nah lock glocks, at dem a lock rocket

Them will full you up ah current like ah shock circuit

Dem a run a road block which part the cops block it

And from now till a mornin' not stop clock it

If they run outta rounds a bruck back ratchet

Welcome to Jamrock (Southside, Northside)

Welcome to Jamrock (East Coast, West Coast, huh, yo)

Welcome to Jamrock (Cornwall, Middlesex & Surrey) Hey!

Welcome to Jamrock

Out in the streets, they call it murder!

Jamaica Jamaica! Jamaica Jamaica! Now!

Jamaica Jamaica! Yo! Jamaica Jamaica!

Welcome to Jamrock, Welcome to Jamrock

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