Damian Marley Living It Up


Living It UpDamian Marley


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Damian Marley Living It Up 歌词

Your generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Yes we will)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Do You hear me now)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(We bout to make a change)

Now mi love fi see the schoolas dem a graduate

A study hard and save the party for the holidays

Diplomatic with dem Diploma

And them bound fi great

Because dem nah pick up no matic and a perpetrate

And then I love the energies whe dem a generate

My Generation it so special it will make a change

Because the elders sew the seed and it a germinate

So anytime dem see the progress dem a celebrate

Because we rising up despite of the economy

And then a we a star the show like the astronomy

And how we keep on breaking through is an anomaly

Because we keep remaining true without apology

The mission ha to carry through and finish properly

Say Gambia to Guadeloupe Paris to Napoli

Say Zambia to Honolulu back to Tripoli

And everybody want a future living happily

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Yes we will)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Do You hear me now)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(We bout to make a change)

Can you blame my generation, subjected gentrification

Depicting their frustrations over ill instrumentation

Cause music is the way to convey to you what I'm facing

Placing my life in front of your eyes for your observation

Now if you can't relate then maybe you are too complacent

Athletes today are scared to make Muhammad Ali statements

Whats up with your motto?

Will you lead? Will you follow?

Improve your values

Education is real power

I reach em like Bono

So get rid of your self sorrow

Add some bravado

Get wealthy likes Wells Fargo

Its truth, that I am you

And I am proof

Surviving through

We do what we gotta do

Yo we could break the cycle let nobody lie to you

Then maybe put our sons and our daughters in private school

Cause there's a mission we gotta finish before we leave

This generation is destined to do historic deeds.

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Yes we will)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Do You hear me now)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(We bout to make a change)

Uhh if you weather that storm

Then that rain bring sun

Been a long time comin

I know change gone come

Man I gotta keep it movin to the beat of my drum

Last night I set the future at the feet of my son

But they thinkin that my generation gotta die young

If we all come together then they cant divide one

Don't worry bout it just be about it

Got a message from god heaven too crowded

But I say hey young world you've never looked betta

And I heard change started with man in the mirror ughh

This generation

I'mma represent

A generation led by a black president

Now hows that for change

Who knew that could change

I don't even look at the flag the same hey ughhh

So when you finish readin revelations

Thank god for my generation

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Yes we will)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(Do You hear me now)

My generation will make a change

This generation will make a change

(We bout to make a change)

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