Damian Marley Liquor Store Blues


Liquor Store BluesDamian Marley


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Damian Marley Liquor Store Blues 歌词

Now greetings to the world (All of you)

Voice of da one called Bruno Mars

'Long side Gong to the Zilla (You know me and roll)

Standing at this liquor store

Whisky coming through my pores

Feeling like I run this whole block (Oh really)

Lotto tickets, cheap beer

That's why you can catch me here

Tryna scratch my way up to the top

'Cause my job got me going nowhere

So I ain't got a thing to lose

Take me to a place where I don't care

This is me and my liquor store blues (Yo)

I'll take one shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

One shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

Me and my guitar tonight

Singing to the city lights

Tryna live on more than what I got

'Cause 68 cent just ain't gon' pay the rent

So I'll be out here 'til they call the cops

'Cause my job got me going nowhere

So I ain't got a thing to lose

Take me to a place where I don't care

This is me and my liquor store blues

I'll take one shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

One shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

Here comes Junior Gong

I'm flying like I'm Superman

I'm thinking that I run the whole block

I don't know if it's just because

Pineapple kush between my jaws

Has got me feeling like I'm on top

Feeling like I woulda stand up to the cops

And stand up to di bigga heads

Becuh whole ah dem ah saps

All dem talk dem ah talk

And dem fly make nah drop

Nuff ghetto youth cannot escape the trap

Give me this one shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

One shot for my pain

One drag for my sorrow

Get messed up today

I'll be okay tomorrow

Now greetings to di world

Voice of da one called Bruno Mars

'Long side Gong the Zilla

A.K.A. Damian Jr. Gong Marley, yes sir

You best believe, haha, know me, ha yeah

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