D Block Europe Jeffery Carter


Jeffery CarterD Block Europe


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D Block Europe Jeffery Carter 歌词

60th floor in my hotel, baby, don't worry
Saying "Leave your card at home, you don't need no money"
How much is a Birkin bag? Tryna show you that I'm sorry
Pull up in a Merc or Jag we were serving packs
Tell her "Save that pussy for me"
See I don't think I can save this
And the brand new truck is the face lift
I can't focus, girl, when I'm wasted
We was trapping alone, oh, nobody saved us
Trenches, lost scammers, got hammers on hammers
In Harrods, no photos, no pictures, no cameras
AP Patek, diamonds flashing on the silhouette
Pussy on a plate, make it wait 'cause I don't want my dinner yet
I'm at the house with the gates, I don't see no Jakes when I'm living here
It's the first time I'm eatin' on your pussy so I wanna taste a little bit
Suck it 'til I buss or I won't do it back
Got you choking on this dick, now you gag, gag, gag
Trapping so fast, we ain't have no plan
We was serving the cats, we would sleep with the racks
Ain't gonna seek but I know where the cash at, show me where the packs at
Thousands of cash sitting in the Louis backpack, codeine in my backpack
Can't trust what you say for the love or the pain, I ain't living like this
Watch and a chain when I came in the game, I was trapping those bricks
Prayed for my life and I lived
18, two lines on the strip
On the phone to my plug when I turn all this white to the Liz
And I never spent time on a bitch
60th floor in my hotel, baby, don't worry
Saying "Leave your card at home, you don't need no money"
How much is a Birkin bag? Tryna show you that I'm sorry
Pull up in a Merc or Jag we were serving packs
Tell her "Save that pussy for me"
I got some designer drugs
Watch where you step, I got designer rugs
And that pussy so deep when I'm climbing on top
0 triple 7-5-9, you can buy you a rock
Six figure nigga but I been through a lot
'Bout to put a new beam on the Glock
Call me Luigi, I'm jumping on green and I cream off the top
Shotty shells bigger than Bowser
How do I explain that I got a Nina in my trouser?
Kickback stronger than Wilder
And she speak Francais so her name, I cannot pronounce it
Being broke? I denounce it
Ate a good Italian Alps in the mountain
Her ex had her dry like the desert but I turn the girl to a fountain

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